IT728906 COVER,OR PUSH BUTTON BRAILLE 6 Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details TYPE PUSH BUTTON COVER PRESSEL MARKING BRAILLE BUTTON/PRESSEL SYMBOL 6 BUTTON/PRESSEL MATERIAL PLASTIC Product Description it: COPERTURA PULSANTE "M" DIC. 6 DIM.25x25 en: COVER,OR PUSH BUTTON BRAILLE 6 fi: PAINONAPIN KANSI, BRAILLE (6) zh: 盖子,OR PUSH BUTTON BRAILLE 6 en: COVER,OR PUSH BUTTON BRAILLE 6 Material Utilisation Group 12320 - CALL BUTTONS 12320 - CALL BUTTONS Material group B510 - Push-buttons (including boxes and accessories) Gross weight 0,004 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC