FR80000359 TIME ON-DELAY AUX. CONTACT BLOCK,0.1-3S Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details TIME RANGE 0.1s-3s SWITCHING CURRENT 10A MOUNTING TYPE CONTACTOR MOUNT SWITCHING VOLTAGE 690VAC NUMBER OF TIMER FUNCTIONS 1 Product Description cs: AUX. CONTACT BLOCK it: Aux. contact block LAD-T0 fr: BLOC CONTACT AUX. TELEMECA LA1DT0 0.1/3S sv: HJÄLPBLOCK LAD-T0 fi: LISÄKOSKETIN / APUKOSKETIN en: TIME ON-DELAY AUX. CONTACT BLOCK,0.1-3S de: ZEITBLOCK,0.1-3S anzugsverzögert zh: 辅助触点 BLOCK en: TIME ON-DELAY AUX. CONTACT BLOCK,0.1-3S Material Utilisation Group 10100 - CONTACTORS 10100 - CONTACTORS Material group B564 - Auxiliary contact sets Gross weight 0,076 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC