ES100323 TIMER BOARD,220VAC 2VA 1NO 1NC Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details Product Description ca: TEMPORITZADOR MEPA-1 AMB MÒDUL M1 es: TEMPORIZADOR MEPA-1 CON MODULO M1 en: TIMER BOARD,220VAC 2VA 1NO 1NC fr: TIMER BOARD,220VAC 2VA 1NO+1NC zh: 计时器电路板,220VAC 2VA 1NO 1NC en: TIMER BOARD,220VAC 2VA 1NO 1NC Material Utilisation Group 10900 - OTHER ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 10900 - OTHER ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS Material group B334 - Timers Gross weight 0,19 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC