ES1002140 MOVING CONTACT,CONTACTOR ARITZ OC2 Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details ACCESSORY TYPE CONTACT SPECIFICATION MOVABLE USED IN ARTIZ OC2 Product Description ca: CONTACTE PRINC. MOBIL CONTACT OC2 ARITZ es: CONTACTO PRINC. MOVIL CONTACT. OC2 ARITZ cs: CONTACTOR MOVING CONTACT,ARITZ OC2 fr: CONTACTOR,50HZ fi: KONTAKTORI,50HZ en: MOVING CONTACT,CONTACTOR ARITZ OC2 zh: 接触器 MOVING CONTACT,ARITZ OC2 en: MOVING CONTACT,CONTACTOR ARITZ OC2 Material Utilisation Group 10100 - CONTACTORS 10100 - CONTACTORS Material group B561 - AC controlled contactors Gross weight 0,01 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC