DEE3689249 CURVED SECTION RTV 35 U FEP02G Z275NA C Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details Component Family Codes BG-040 - Escalator Balustrade, standard, incl. HR guide BG-040 - Escalator Balustrade, standard, incl. HR guide Product Description de: BOGENSTUECK -RTV 35 U-FEP02G-Z275NA-C en: CURVED SECTION RTV 35 U FEP02G Z275NA C ca: PIEZA CURVA -RTV 35 U-FEP02G-Z275NA-C it: PORTE CURVATA -RTV 35 U-FEP02G-Z275NA-C fr: SECTION CINTREE -RTV 35 U-FEP02G-Z275NA- zh: 弯弧段 RTV 35 U FEP02G Z275NA C en: CURVED SECTION RTV 35 U FEP02G Z275NA C Material Utilisation Group 56021 - HANDRAIL 56021 - HANDRAIL Material group GC69 - Other Chains Gross weight 3,83 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC