DEE1763132 HR WHEEL KOMPL RE EK250 MIT KEIL Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details Component Family Codes BG-010 - Escalator Drive station BG-010 - Escalator Drive station Product Description de: HL-Antriebsrad en: HR WHEEL KOMPL RE EK250 MIT KEIL fr: ROUL.MAIN-COURANT -KOMPL RE EK250 MIT KE es: RUEDA DE PASAMANO -KOMPL RE EK250 MIT KE it: RUOTA MARCIA MAN. -KOMPL RE EK250 MIT KE en: HR WHEEL KOMPL RE EK250 MIT KEIL Material Utilisation Group 56031 - HANDRAIL DRIVE 56031 - HANDRAIL DRIVE Material group GC0 - Drive Station Assemblies, Complete Gross weight 30,0 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC