DEE0729427 DEFLECTOR -NZ 702523-2 EWG PLEXIGLAS-PL- Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details Component Family Codes BG-029 - Escalator Skirting BG-029 - Escalator Skirting Product Description de: ABWEISER -NZ 702523-2 EWG PLEXIGLAS-PL-G en: DEFLECTOR -NZ 702523-2 EWG PLEXIGLAS-PL- ca: DESVIADOR -NZ 702523-2 EWG PLEXIGLAS-PL- fr: DEVIATEUR -NZ 702523-2 EWG PLEXIGLAS-PL- it: PROTEZIONE -NZ 702523-2 EWG PLEXIGLAS-PL da: SKÆRM -NZ 702523-2 EWG PLEXIGLAS-PL-GLAS zh: 变流装置 -NZ 702523-2 EWG PLEXIGLAS-PL- en: DEFLECTOR -NZ 702523-2 EWG PLEXIGLAS-PL- Material Utilisation Group 54043 - DEFLECTOR 54043 - DEFLECTOR Material group GN30 - Protective deflector at outer deck Gross weight 5,66 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC